Master menopause: Natural ways to manage menopause
Most women will experience menopause at some point in their lives and this happens when our hormones start to change, and we no longer undergo monthly menstrual cycles. Menopause can occur naturally, as a result of surgery or cancer treatment, and genetics also play a role.
Approximately 13 million women in the UK are currently peri or menopausal*.
This accounts for 1/3 of the female population. However, due to a lack of awareness, a lack of training among some medical professionals and social stigma, women's needs during this critical life change are frequently ignored, undervalued, or overlooked.
Here at The Naked Pharmacy, we understand that going through the menopause, is a deeply personal transition and that no two menopause journeys are the same. This is why our promise to you as a woman, is to listen to your individual experience and support you and your journey - your choice.
What exactly is perimenopause and menopause?
Menopause is defined by the absence of having periods due to hormonal imbalances caused when our ovaries reduce the levels of oestrogen (the main female hormone) and progesterone. The average age is typically 51 years old but can begin from the age of 45 to 55 years old. However, this can always vary as our bodies are all unique. Many women may go through early menopause as a result of surgery or cancer treatment.
Perimenopause is the beginning phase of menopause where you may begin to experience the symptoms but not have the total absence of periods. Once your periods have stopped for 12 months, perimenopause is then transitioned into menopause.
How does menopause affect your body?
Menopause and Perimenopause can cause interference in daily life, including relationships, work and everyday tasks and the severity of symptoms can vary from women to women. In fact, 13 million women in the UK suffer from menopause symptoms.
As our oestrogen levels deplete it can bring on an array of physical and psychological symptoms. Many women notice a reduced level of energy, mood changes and increased brain fog.
Menopause can also induce health conditions such as high blood pressure, fatty liver disease, weight gain and sugar level imbalance which can lead to type 2 diabetes as well as bone density loss causing osteoporosis and joint pain.

Symptoms of menopause
The NHS lists over 45 symptoms, all of which can cause a complex mix of both physical and mental feelings, each presenting themselves in a unique and unannounced fashion. Menopause is a natural biological process. But the physical symptoms, such as hot flushes, and emotional symptoms of menopause may disrupt your sleep, lower your energy or affect emotional health.
List of perimenopause and menopause symptoms – The menopause charity
Abnormal vaginal bleeding | Acne | Altered sense of smell |
Anhedonia | Anxiety | Bladder weakness |
Bloating | Bloating | Brain fog |
Breathing difficulties | Brittle nails | Burning mouth |
Change to your periods | Change to your skin | Change to your mood |
Cold flushes or feeling cold | Clitoral pain or changes | Crying spells |
Depression | Difficulty concentrating | Difficulty in sleeping |
Digestive problems | Dry eyes | Dry mouth |
Dry or itchy skin | Electric shocks | Fatigue |
Feeling dizzy or faint | Feeling tense or nervous | Feeling unhappy or depressed |
Genitourinary syndrome of menopause (GSM) | Headaches | Heartburn |
Heart palpitations | Heavy periods or flooding | Hot flushes |
Insomnia | Irregular periods | Irritability |
Joint pain | Labia shrinking | Lacking in energy |
Lack of motivation | Loss of bone density | Loss of concentration |
Loss of confidence | Loss of interest in most things (Anhedonia) | Low or loss of libido |
Low mood | Memory problems | Migraines |
Mood swings | Muscle aches | Nail changes |
Nausea | Needing a wee more often or having leaks of urine | Night sweats |
Oral health | Painful sex | Painful smear test |
Panic Attacks | Pelvic organ prolapse | Pins and needles |
Recurrent Urinary Tract Infections (UTIs) | Reduced self-esteem | Restless legs |
Skin changes | Sleep disturbance | Sore boobs |
Sore gums | Stress incontinence | Thinning hair |
Tingling hands or feet | Tinnitus | Urinary symptoms |
Vaginal atrophy | Vaginal or vulval dryness | Vulvovaginal irritation |
Vertigo | Weight gain | Mindfulness and Menopause |
It’s not unheard of for menopause to affect your mental health anxiety, low mood and irritability are all common experiences amongst many women. These symptoms are often not spoken about due to the social stigma regarding the subject of mental health. However, at The Naked Pharmacy, we are here to break that stigma.
Our pharmacists want to hear your story, know what you’ve done so far to alleviate your symptoms, what’s worked, what’s not worked – and discover how we can work alongside you to empower you with an alternative option, that might just be that missing thread in your menopausal web!
Book a free consultation with us!
What is Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?
Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) is a treatment that many menopausal women rely on. It replaces the hormones with synthetic analogues of the natural oestrogen and progesterone found in our body to balance out the imbalance brought on by the onset of menopause. HRT comes in many formulations, ranging from oral tablets to topical gels, patches and more and it is primarily based on what you feel most comfortable with.
HRT and you: Navigating the hormone highway
HRT has been shown to relieve many menopausal women of many of their symptoms such as hot flushes, low libido, mood disruption and sleep disturbances.
But many women have concerns regarding HRT for several reasons – some women have underlying health issues that deter them from taking HRT or for others, the increased risk of breast, ovarian and womb cancer also plays a factor. It is important to note that the longer the HRT is taken for, the higher the risk.
Many women have also reported side effects of weight gain, migraines and mood swings whilst taking HRT which can be counterproductive as it is their symptoms which are already present during menopause.
Can supplements replace Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT)?
Supplements and HRT can complement each other to work effectively in addressing physical and psychological health needs. Combining the two therapies can provide a comprehensive approach to combatting the symptoms of menopause whilst promoting long-term wellness and reducing the risks of health conditions that may arise in the future.
The British Menopause Society identified that 75% of women in the UK have been using supplements as complementary therapy with HRT to help with their symptoms.
Natural supplements are also a great alternative for women who are unable to tolerate HRT or choose not to take it due to an increased risk of breast, ovarian, endometrial cancer and certain cardiovascular conditions, as taking HRT can elevate the risks of unwanted health events from returning or happening.
At The Naked Pharmacy, we believe each woman’s unique journey should be treated as such. We understand that there is a place for conventional HRT alongside natural supplements and you can rest assured that our supplements have gone through standardised research and testing.

Natural supplements to support the menopause
Saffrosun Energy
Saffrosun Energy gives you that extra boost you need for the day. Aiding in mood, hormone imbalances and energy levels. Saffrosun Energy is created using organic Saffron extract sourced from Spain, Vitamin D3 and Iodine.
Our Saffron extract is formulated with three derivatives which play a key role in balancing your nervous system which demonstrates improvements in sleep quality, energy mood and brain fog.
Vitamin D3 sourced from marine algae will provide protection against bone loss density therefore reducing the risk of osteoporosis.
Iodine plays a key role in many metabolic processes surrounding thyroid function which aids in energy levels and reducing fatigue

Saffrosun Calm
Saffrosun Calm contains Vitamin B12, replacing the Iodine that is found in Saffrosun Energy. Vitamin B12 has a positive impact on overall energy, combatting fatigue whilst regulating the sleep cycle to improve the quality of sleep, as well as keeping the nervous system healthy.
A 2021 study based on 82 participants taking saffron with the three main derivatives, showed a rise in mood and psychological symptoms associated with menopausal symptoms. The improvements were of similar effect to a standard antidepressant but with a significantly reduced number of side effects.
Worth its weight in gold
Oestrogen has a protective effect on the heart. During menopause oestrogen levels deplete and as they deplete the risk of heart disease can increase. As well as unhealthy cholesterol levels, blood pressure and weight can increase along with sugar levels imbalance.
Menopause and heart and circulatory conditions - BHF
So, what can you do to help?
Metabolic Gold
Metabolic Gold is made with Artichoke Leaf extract and Citrus Bergamot which have been scientifically proven to target many vital organs in the body, such as the liver, pancreas and the heart. There are 4 active ingredients within the bergamot fruit which work on lowering levels of bad cholesterol and expelling fats before it is absorbed into our bloodstream, this can result in a reduction in fat stored particularly towards the waist.
Artichoke is an effective antioxidant and works hand in hand with Bergamot to stimulate cholesterol-reducing agents which can prevent the risk of heart disease in the future.

Stronger bones, stronger you
Osteoporosis is a condition when our bone density is very low and occurs due to lowered levels of oestrogen, and it’s vital we keep our bones healthy to prevent fractures in the future.
Menopause and Bone Loss | Endocrine Society
Marine Magnesium
Magnesium is often overlooked in our diets and many of us aren’t consuming it enough daily, however, it can be vital for our health.
Magnesium is one of the seven essential microminerals our body requires. It plays an important role in our metabolic processes, it promotes mood stability, reduces stress reduces the frequency of migraines and improves heart health. Magnesium also aids in maintaining healthy bone density and therefore has properties in preventing osteoporosis and bone fractures.
EPIC-Norfolk cohort study showed that low serum magnesium levels were associated with an increased risk of fractures in the spine, hips and wrist. The study concluded significance of healthy serum magnesium levels for the maintenance of bone health
An update on magnesium and bone health | BioMetals (
Vitamin D3
Did you know that approximately 70% of women, around the world, who have gone through menopause are vitamin D deficient?
Our Vitamin D3 supplements equal up to 100% of the daily intake of vitamin D3. Vitamin D3 works synergistically with the calcium in our bodies to build strong and healthy bones.
Vitamin D Deficiency: Widespread Effects in Postmenopausal Women (
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Sophia Gurung