How to improve skin health naturally
Skin Health
Our skin is an external reflection of our inner health. Problem skin can indicate an imbalance in the cardiovascular system, gut, liver or kidneys and so revitalising skin health may require some additional support.
What affects our skin?
External Factors: Synthetic cosmetics, detergents, pollution and high stress.
Smoking: Reduces skin elasticity and collagen production.
Immune health: The immune system working in overdrive will increase skin sensitivity. Note: Immune Hero is a pure form of qq
Gut health: The gut is our inner skin but only one cell thick and so supporting our gut microbiome and increasing its diversity will strengthen and protect the gut wall from toxins and irritants in the diet.
Hormone health: Our hormones play a vital role in the health of the skin. They control the amount of oil (sebum) produced by our sebaceous glands. Underactive glands can result in dry, flaky skin and overactive glands can result in pimples and acne.
Common Skin Conditions
Skin conditions arise when the skin cells of the epidermis and dermis have insufficient nutrients, healthy fats and circulation causing eczema, acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, rosacea, wrinkles, dull skin, dryness and rashes.
How can we improve our skin’s health?
Lifestyle changes will help bring your skin back to balance.
Diet: Fruits and vegetables high in Vitamin C such as kiwi, and blueberries. Including healthy fats and omega 3 in our diet such as avocado, oily fish, nuts and seeds. Reduce processed and foods high in added sugars which are pro-inflammatory for the gut lining and skin.
Broccoli contains sulphur compounds great for reducing skin problems, especially acne.
(note: try Skin Accumax which contains one of these broccoli compounds)
Keep hydrated: Plenty of water around 2 litres a day.
Exercise: Do what makes you feel good and works up a bit of a sweat. This helps manage stress and sweat out toxins. Get our bodies moving regularly!
Meditation and Sleep the rest and digest state is essential for skin repair and recovery plus collagen synthesis.
Natruflex Turmeric, Gut Love and Vitamin D. These supplements can help bring your skin back to looking its best!

Vitamin D3 - 10mcg or 400 units
Vitamin D is vital for our skin’s health and the majority of us don’t get enough due to our lack of exposure to sunlight. Especially those of us with darker skin tones.
Our Vitamin D3 is in the form of D3 from algae, this form of Vitamin D is better absorbed by our bodies.
Why we don't combine Vitamin D3 with Vitamin K2
Vitamin K can interact with some prescribed medications, including blood thinners.
Vitamin K2 is not necessary when taken with Vitamin D3 at normal recommended daily doses such as 10mcg daily. At significantly higher dosage, this may be necessary to help avoid problems such as arterial plaque build-up and calcium absorption.
Natruflex Turmeric
Turmeric is an effective anti-inflammatory. Skin issues are often a result of increased inflammation within the body and reducing this can help restore balance.
Turmeric can also be used as a digestive aid, improving digestion and elimination of toxins reducing inflammation further, resulting in better skin health.
Gut Love
Gut Love is an effective and natural way to protect and strengthen the sensitive lining of the gut. This reduces the inflammation of the gut and the tissues that sit behind the gut wall, improving the health of your 'inner skin'.