Levi’s Story | How Natural Remedies Helped Him With ADHD & ASD Symptoms
There is nothing more rewarding than hearing first-hand how our natural remedies have helped a customer. The story of Levi really hit home as he is only 12 years old. He was really suffering and it was impacting the rest of his family too. Levi has ASD and ADHD and his mother, Sarah wanted to share their story as she felt it might help others in a similar situation.
A difficult time: Evenings were a tough time for Levi and his family. He would get agitated after playing video games and would not turn them off. He found it very difficult to settle down and get ready for bed and would refuse to brush his teeth. The bedtime routine would often take hours and escalate until there was screaming and shouting. This would upset the whole family and really affect the atmosphere in their home. Then the next morning, it would take Levi a long time to get up.

Levi's mum Sarah was emotionally drained, exhausted and at breaking point. Enough is enough Sarah was desperate to help her son and explored all paths possible in a bid to bring calm to all of their lives.
She first heard about the benefits of saffron on a Gordon Ramsey show and spent some time researching it. She made the decision to order Saffrosun For Children in the hope it might help.
Levi started taking two capsules in the morning with his breakfast. At first, there was no change at all. However, after about a week, Sarah noticed a visible difference in Levi’s behaviour. He was calmer and not as argumentative. He seemed much more level-headed and there was no instant reaction where there had been before.
Levi was less agitated and stressed and was able to settle down in the evenings in a fraction of the time. The mornings were also better with Levi waking up more easily.
I never thought it would work, now I can’t live without it!
Levi's teachers saw a difference too and called Sarah with a positive report on him - something that hadn't happened in years. Sarah and her family are over the moon with the results they have seen and Levi is much more settled and happier in himself.
In response to Levi's story, Kevin Leivers says: "When I founded The Naked Pharmacy six years ago I had a vision of reinventing the traditional pharmacy, combining natural remedies, modern science with old fashioned values. I wanted to create a pharmacy where you can actually speak to a pharmacist to find effective solutions for common health problems.
Myself and the pharmacy team get an enormous lift when we hear stories like Levi's because it shows that we are making a real difference to people's lives. Our customers are our community and by sharing these health stories it demonstrates that natural remedies are powerful when formulated in the correct scientific way.
I also love the fact that we are doing all this in a holistic way without synthetic chemicals so kinder to the body and the environment."
Whilst The Naked Pharmacy do not advise you use our products in place of recommended medical advice, we aim to educate about the benefits of natural alternatives and to provide effective, proven products and free advice to suit each individual customer.
If you have any questions please do contact us and have a chat our number is 01483 685 630 or email us at care@thenakedpharmacy.com