Hitting the spot: A natural solution for low libido

Hitting the spot: A natural solution for low libido

Marvin Gaye’s – Sexual Healing currently has 415,121,720 streams on Spotify and 205 million views on YouTube.


Clearly, the world loves listening about sexual healing, then why are we so scared to talk about it?

"Low libido is so much more than just the physical"

Traditional treatments focus on just one system of the body, increased circulation.

In reality, libido is a delicate interplay of four key systems in the body. 

Listening to our customers desire for a holistic solution, we developed Ashwadisiac for Women - a potent supplement crafted to energise and restore the four vital systems of the body, promoting balance, vitality and overall well-being.
Rebalancing each of these systems, helps set the opportunity for deeper intimacy, starting with reconnecting to your own body systems.
Our Pharmacist team took 2 years to formulate Ashwadisiac for Women with unique bioactive strengths to boost libido and energy.

This four-fold chart represents our interconnected systems of libido, desire and sexual energy.

When you look at this chart, you can see why many of us don’t talk about it.

Female libido is complex, multi-layered and always evolving.

So, what affects libido in women?

This flow chart helps explain this complexity:

Ashwadisiac Flow

Hormonal system

“Women produce three to four times as much testosterone than oestrogen before the menopause.”

What effect do our hormones have on our libido?

Oestrogen, progesterone, and testosterone all affect sexual desire and arousal.

Below is a study that explains how women need a specific balance between oestrogen and testosterone, which is unique to each individual.

Increasing women’s sexual desire: The comparative effectiveness of oestrogens and androgens.

Do women need testosterone?

While testosterone is more commonly associated with men, women need testosterone too.  In fact, women produce 3 times more testosterone than the female sex hormone oestrogen before menopause.

Testosterone is produced by ovaries, adrenal glands and the brain, but levels decline around the time of the perimenopause and menopause and stay low thereafter. This fall in testosterone can lead to a lack of energy, brain fog, reduced libido and a lack of purpose and confidence.

Many other factors can also influence testosterone levels regardless of age such as obesity, diabetes, and lifestyle factors.

Healthy Food

What could we be doing naturally to promote or improve this balance between our hormones?

For many people, small and simple lifestyle changes can help support healthy hormone levels in the body and ensure that all our body systems are working at their optimal level. A well-balanced diet and healthy habits may improve your hormonal health and allow you to feel your best.

Here are 10 tips to naturally support your hormone balance:

1. Consume enough protein, aim for around 30-35 grams.

Proteins provide amino acids that your body cannot make on its own and are needed to produce peptide hormones. These hormones play a crucial role in regulating several physiological processes, including growth, energy metabolism, appetite, stress, and more. Current research is emerging showing that most of us are not consuming enough daily protein and should aim for around 30-35 grams per meal to maintain muscle strength, bone health, and other functions.

2. Exercise regularly and focus on strength building.

Physical activity and building muscle strength not only influences your hormonal health, but also is a healthy ageing strategy.

3. Maintain a healthy weight.

Weight gain is directly associated with hormonal imbalances. Obesity relates to a lack of ovulation in women. Do explore our Metabolic Gold supplement if you are concerned about insulin resistance, over health and weight gain.

4. Watch your gut health. 

The gut produces numerous metabolites that affect hormone health and processes of the vagus nerve. A healthy gut biome can support emotional health, hormonal health and all your body's systems. Do explore Gut Love our award winning supplement to support your gut with organic slippery elm, prebiotics and probiotics.

5.  Conscious intake of processed sugar.

Processed sugar (this also includes wine) promotes insulin resistance, and fructose intake is linked to disruptions in the gut microbiome, ultimately leading to hormonal imbalances. Minimising this intake can improve energy, skin and sleep.

6. Reduce stress in imaginative ways.

Stress can significantly harm the body’s hormones. Finding techniques that can help to decrease stress can really help your quality of life and relationships, be creative it could be painting by numbers, walking, breathing, rocking out to music whatever you can fit into your daily life, just schedule it in and prioritise it. You may find that Saffrosun Calm helps alleviate nervousness, maintain emotional balance and support good sleep as it addresses your cortisol levels. 

7. Get enough sleep. 

A good sleep routine is a really important habit one of the most important factors not just in hormonal imbalance, but also your quality of life.  It is worth exploring what works for you it maybe blackout blinds, or eye masks, magnesium or a hot bath and some lavender tea.

8. Eat healthy fats.

Healthy fat intake can work to maintain balanced hormones that are involved with appetite, metabolism, and feeling full and is so important for healthy body and brain function. We don't need to demonise all fats, because they are critical for our health, and low fat products are typically full of processed ingredients.

9 Eat plenty of fibre at least 30g a day *

Fibre plays a huge role in gut health, helping regulate hormones like insulin and keeping you full for longer. Eating plenty of fibre is associated with a lower risk of heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes and bowel cancer.

10. Hydration 6-8 glasses a day

Drink enough water so your urine is a pale yellow colour is the aim, however vegetables, fruit and soups etc also contribute to this target.  Fluids will support skin health, bone health and will help flush out toxins and producing healthy easy stools.


Ingredient focus for Ashwadisiac for Women:

Our potent supplement has been crafted to energise and restore the four vital systems of the body, promoting balance, vitality and overall well-being.

The four ingredients of our supplement are Fenugreek for hormonal health, Gingko Biloba for circulatory health, Ashwagandha for the nervous system and Saffron for emotional health.


Fenugreek (Trigonella foenum greacum) has been used in traditional medicine and many of us are familiar with using this Indian spice in cooking.

However, Fenugreek extract has many health benefits the seed powder is rich in the bioactive saponin glycosides and ours is at the high strength of 60%.

Clinical trials have shown Fenugreek extract helps balance hormone levels, such as oestrogen and testosterone improving symptoms of low libido as well as enhancing energy levels and exercise endurance.

Fenugreek is also particularly beneficial for managing hormonal symptoms such as hot flushes, low mood, night sweats, and poor sleep.

Below is a study highlighting how fenugreek can help with sexual desire in women.

It specifically highlights the health benefits of fenugreek including the regulation of sex hormones.

Properties of Fenugreek: A Review (openbiologyjournal.com)

Circulatory System

What effect does our circulation have on our libido?

Women may suffer from low sex drive, because of reduced blood flow which may prevent sexual arousal and cause vaginal dryness discomfort.

Growing older, being under severe or chronic stress, or having certain medical conditions such as diabetes and atherosclerosis might also contribute to inhibited blood flow.

To address this problem, urologists may recommend topical applications to dilate the blood vessels, increase blood flow, and improve sensitivity and arousal, or prescribe HRT or vaginal pessaries.

What could we be doing naturally to promote or improve our circulation, with regards to libido?

Exercising can help improve blood flow as it also helps to increase testosterone and muscle strength is critical to overall health and quality of life as we get older.

Medications can affect libido, in particular antidepressants. According to the *American Journal of Psychiatry "70% of women taking antidepressants** (especially SSRIs) report experiencing sexual side effects, including low libido"

Ginkgo Leaf

Ingredient focus for circulatory system: Ginkgo Biloba

Ginkgo Biloba, also known as the maidenhair tree, is an ancient tree native to China estimated to have existed for over 270 million years.

The leaves of the Ginkgo Biloba tree have been used in traditional Chinese medicine for centuries and have become a focus of research in recent years for their active compounds, terpene lactones and flavone glycosides.

Ginkgo Biloba contains powerful antioxidants that promote blood flow, circulation, cognitive function, reduce stress, and anxiety, help focus and improve sex drive and desire.

Ginkgo Biloba contains bioactives that improve levels of nitric oxide, a compound responsible for dilating blood vessels. This in turn improves circulation making Ginkgo an effective ingredient for symptoms of sexual dysfunction caused by poor circulation.

The study below explains that when combined with sex therapy, long-term Gingko Biloba treatment significantly increased sexual desire and contentment beyond placebo.

Short- and long-term effects of Ginkgo biloba extract on sexual dysfunction in women

Nervous System

What role does our nervous system play in our libido?

Much of the hormone regulation in our bodies is regulated by the nervous system. Even hormones like oxytocin, aka “the love hormone” are under the whim of the nervous system, and its ability to function effectively.

Given that the nervous system controls so much of how our bodies work, it makes sense that it also has a huge impact on sexual desire, energy levels and connection.

The limbic system helps regulate parts of the autonomic nervous system, which is responsible for regulating autonomic bodily responses like breathing, blood pressure, and pulse. Thought of as the “primitive” area of the brain, the limbic system, also plays a role in physical drives and emotional processing – and is activated during intimacy.

Sometimes our nervous system becomes dysregulated. Whether that be through trauma, physical or mental stress, injury, medication or hormonal fluctuations.

When the nervous system isn’t working optimally, it can affect how and when we become aroused, our sexual responses, our comfort levels in intimacy with others, and so much more. 

Adrenaline, the stress hormone, actually inhibits oxytocin. Given that oxytocin helps facilitate trust, sexual activity, and orgasm, high amounts of stress hormones from a dysregulated nervous system, can make it difficult to feel connected.

What could we be doing naturally to promote or improve our circulation, with regards to libido?

The ability to relax into the moment, allows us to experience more pleasure throughout life .

Knowing what puts you in a state of stress, and what brings you ease, helps you to relax and be comfortable with your self and this in turn makes you wish to perhaps find the opportunities to connect with others in both a social setting and then perhaps a romantic one.


Ashwagandha Root

Ingredient focus for hormonal balance: Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) is a popular herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries.

Ashwagandha has adaptogenic properties meaning it uses its natural intelligence to allow the body to absorb or excrete just the right amount of herb on any given day.  

It supports the nervous system to cope with stress, by reducing our body’s natural cortisol levels (the stress hormone). It also has aphrodisiac qualities that can enhance libido and overall sexual wellness.

Ashwagandha influences the balance of neurotransmitters like serotonin, dopamine, and GABA, which are crucial for mood, relaxation, ability to experience pleasure and cognitive function.

It also reduces levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which help to protect the nervous system from inflammation-related damage.

Below is a study highlighting that after 8 weeks of continuous use of Ashwagandha produced a statistically significant improvement in patients as compared to placebo.

Efficacy and Safety of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) Root Extract for Improvement of Sexual Health in Healthy Women: A Prospective, Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study

Ingredient focus for sensory and nervous system: Saffron

Saffron is a spice from the Crocus Sativus flower and is derived from the stigma - called threads - within the flower itself.

The harvesting process is very labour intensive, each crocus sativus flower contains 3-4 stigmas which are hand-picked and dried under controlled conditions.

There are three key bioactives associated with saffron. Crocin, a water-soluble carotenoid, picrocrocin and thirdly, safranal which is formed as a result of the drying process of picrocrocin.

Most saffron supplements on the market contain only one bioactive safranal.

However, we have incorporated the powerhouse of all three bioactives (crocin, picrocrocin and safranal) at a much higher concentration than in our other saffron products.

Untreated anxiety or depression can contribute to sexual dysfunction, as can long-term stress. Our saffron extract supports emotional balance and the formula is targetted to reduce stress-related sexual health problems.

Saffron harnesses adaptogenic properties, supporting our bodies to better cope with stress and regulate neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin and norepinephrine.

Saffron has been shown to have particularly aphrodisiac properties for people taking antidepressant medication.

In addition, Saffron helps reduce the reactivity of the nervous system to stress, because it helps the body to cope better and react better to nervousness and mood imbalance.

Below is a study that included thirty-eight women with major depression who were stabilised on fluoxetine 40mg/day for a minimum of 6 weeks and had experienced subjective feelings of sexual dysfunction entered the study. The patients were randomly assigned to saffron or placebo for 4 weeks.

Results showed that the patients receiving saffron experienced statistically significant improvements in sexual problems.

Saffron for treatment of fluoxetine-induced sexual dysfunction in women: randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study

Ginkgo Leaves

There is no quick fix, but we can help

Ashwadisiac for Women is our product to help improve low libido, hormone balance and energy.

100% natural it contains the most potent mix of ingredients at a strength and formulation that you can trust, always tested to make sure there are no nasties just strong naturally powerful content.

The bioactives contained in the ingredients for Ashwadisiac for Women ensure that consistent intake will support the four key systems in the body that will have the greatest impact.

Our Ashwagandha Root & Leaf Extract contains 35% of the bioactives, Withanolides (this is 7 times stronger than any standard ashwagandha supplement).

The Fenugreek contained in our Ashwadisac for women contains 60% of the bioactives, saponins and is a unique, standardised fenugreek supplement on the market.

The Saffron used in our Ashwadisiac for Women contains the highest concentration of the three bioactives mentioned above at 10.5%.

Finally, our Gingko Biloba contains 24% glycosides and 6 % terpene lactones and again like our fenugreek contains a unique, standardised dose.

Women deserve more!

Women deserve to feel more confident, feel more energy,  more passion, and more desire.

Speak to our expert pharmacists today

Our registered pharmacists are available for free expert advice and to answer all your questions about your health and your current medications, so that you can feel fully supported on your health journey.

Our pharmacists are on hand Monday – Friday 9 am – 5 pm. Book your free consultation today! Book Now!



Natural ways to reduce a hangover and headaches

Natural ways to reduce a hangover and headaches

We are all guilty of over indulging at certain times of year, over eating, drinking too much or consuming too much sugar.

However, as you get older you may find that it is taking longer to bounce back and you may become intolerant to certain types of foods and alcohol.

If you suffer from headaches and migraines you may be reaching for painkillers such as Ibuprofen which, although an effective anti-inflammatory, has long term side effects including increasing cardiovascular risks and damaging the protective lining of the gut. Ibuprofen is only effective for up to 6 hours, so you may need to take repeated doses!

Did you know that Turmeric with the correct range and strength of 7 curcuminoids, has multiple anti-inflammatory benefits, works just as well as Ibuprofen or aspirin and actually improves gut health.

Scientific research (ref see below) has demonstrated that curcuminoinds, the active compounds in turmeric, are effective at removing both the cause and symptoms of a hangover.

Curcuminoids are potent antioxidants. Alcohol consumption can cause oxidative stress that damages your cells, so an effective antioxidant is vital before, during and after a heavy night.

So the perfect natural solution for hangovers should be taken before you go out and again when you wake up:

Natruflex Turmeric: We recommend that you take Natruflex Turmeric 1-2 capsules BEFORE you go out and when required during the next day. 

Gut Love: Containing, 21 probiotics and 2 organic prebiotics. take 1 capsule daily to settle the digestion and improve the excretion of toxins for a minimum of 14 days.

Marine Magnesium: Take 1 capsule at night to restore healthy nerve and muscle function for a minimum of 7 days.

Vitamin D3: Take 2 capsule daily for at least 30 days

How can Metabolic Gold help?

Metabolic Gold contains Bergamot fruit extract and Artichoke leaf extract. It is the perfect blend of naturally sourced, high strength ingredients that work together synergistically to help reduce sugar levels, improve insulin resistance, balance cholesterol, reduce fat around the waistline and reduce fatty liver.

In a recent trial of 60 patients who were overweight and had high cholesterol, subjects were treated with a combination of bergamot extract and artichoke leaf extract for 2 months and compared to a group that received a placebo for the same amount of time. The results showed a significant decrease in total and LDL cholesterol as well as a significant reduction in waist circumference.

When combined with lifestyle efforts focusing on diet, exercise, sleep and stress, the combination of bergamot fruit and artichoke leaf extracts can provide significant health benefits.

We recommend this supplement is taken for at least 3-4 months at a dose of one capsule twice a day with or after food.



Dinkova-Kostova A. Relation of structure of curcumin analogs to their potencies as inducers of Phase 2 detoxification enzymes. Carcinogenesis. 1999;20(5):911-914.





How to tame a mid-life belly

How to tame a mid-life belly

An increase in fat around the waistline during our 40's is common even if there has been no change in your diet or lifestyle and can lead you to feeling frustrated that your previously successful weight-loss tactics are no longer effective.

However the good news is that our bodies undergo changes in hormone levels, muscle mass, etc. that require us to rethink our relationship with our diet, lifestyle, exercise and levels of stress.

Why does this happen in women? 

Declining oestrogen levels require the body to look elsewhere for oestrogen – namely fat cells, which produce a weak form of oestrogen.
The body tries to create a reserve of oestrogen in fat cells – and this reserve is mainly around the middle. 


Oestrogen and Insulin

Declining levels of oestrogen also slow down metabolic rate and insulin resistance may occur.
Menopausal women respond differently to glucose (sugar) and are at greater risk of becoming insulin resistant – insulin is the hormone that helps the body use glucose for energy.
This can then cause weight gain and increases the risk of type 2 diabetes.
Low oestrogen levels have also been shown to be associated with low vitamin D levels, which can increase fat storage.
As a woman transitions through menopause, the adrenal glands take over from the ovaries to produce a little oestrogen – however, as the adrenals also produce stress hormones – if a woman is dealing with a lot of stress in her life, the adrenals will shift to “survival mode” and away from producing oestrogen.
This encourages the body to store fat, especially around the middle and puts the brakes on any weight loss tactics.


Why does this happen in men?

Testosterone plays an important role in maintaining a healthy weight by helping to build muscle, speed up metabolism and maintain insulin sensitivity.
However, as men hit their 40s and testosterone levels start to decline, this encourages the body to store fat, especially around the middle and is associated with a higher risk of diabetes and heart disease.
Human Growth Hormone is another crucial hormone in men, which enters rapid decline as men enter their 40s causing a reduction in muscle mass.
Muscle tissue is the largest consumer of glucose (sugar) in the body, so the loss of muscle mass results in less glucose being used up and this excess is then converted into body fat and stored around the middle. 
The reduction in muscle mass also means that the body does not process carbohydrates efficiently, so eating too many sugary and starchy foods such as biscuits, cakes, sweets, pasta, potatoes, crisps etc triggers weight gain which is harder to shift.
Of course both men and women have these hormones in greater or lesser quantities and these levels also fluctuate based on gender and ethnicity.

The impact of poor sleep

High stress levels and disrupted sleep can add to the weight gain and insulin resistance.  

Research also shows that lack of sleep, will increase appetite and hunger hormones alter, making us more hungry and prone to cravings.

Loss of muscle mass

Muscle mass diminishes with age, whilst fat storage increases – losing muscle mass slows your metabolism, making it more challenging to maintain a healthy weight.
Low testosterone levels and poor thyroid function can also slow down metabolism, causing fatigue and making it harder to shift fat.

Here are our tips to help you tame unwanted weight gain:

  • Blood-sugar control is key (check out our book recommendations below to help you). Aim to reduce the amount of carbs you consume, especially rice, pasta, bread, cakes, alcohol and sugary foods. These peak sugar and encourage a sugar roller coaster.
  • Include protein with every meal and essential fatty acids (omega 3s).
  • Fasting overnight (12-14 hours) be aware of underlying health conditions that may mean fasting is not a safe option for you.
  • Regular and consistent exercise, especially resistance training to build muscle mass, resistance bands for example are portable and easy to use. Regular exercise snacks are better than weekly exercise bingeing!
  • Be aware of your stress levels as this will effect how your body metabolises food and nutrients,  daily de-stressing activities could be a 10 minute walk outside, 5 minutes of breathing, journalling, regular 2 minute cold showers.


Can Supplements help?

Saffrosun Calm has been proven to promote restful sleep, balance the stress response and enhance energy levels.


 Saffrosun Energy - includes all the benefits of Saffron if your thyroid is sluggish, or are suffering from brain fog with added iodine,  vitamin D3 and will provide you with balanced energy.



Metabolic Gold – can help in your weight loss journey by binding to bad fats in the gut and prevent them being used in the body. Studies show that it can substantially reduce belly fat when taken for 3 months.


Books you may wish to read to support your weight loss journey:

MenuPause by Dr Anna Cabeca – gives 5 unique menu plans to break through menopause weight loss resistance

Glucose Revolution by Jessie Inchauspe – a great reference book on blood sugar control (check out @glucosegoddess on Instagram)

Conquer menopause, the Naked way

Conquer menopause, the Naked way

Manage Menopause Naturally
How to enjoy great sleep, naturally

How to enjoy great sleep, naturally

I only appreciated the full value of sleep after my son was born and we experienced regular interrupted nights. After a few weeks my mind started playing tricks and my wife would often find items in our food cupboards which were obviously not supposed to be there!

It took us several months to resolve my son’s regular wake up calls - we mixed bananas with his formula which sustained nutrition beyond 2 hours. By that time, I felt I was functioning at 30% of my usual capacity. However, I then found it difficult to restore my sleep pattern back to the pre-parenthood 7-8 hours. My body and its sleep hormones had adapted to the new regime.

Sleep research demonstrates how long term sleep problems impact health. The health impact data for sleep problems is a wake up call in itself! Long term effects include a decline in cognitive function, increase in mental health problems, chronic fatigue, and lack of concentration / irritability.

Every person is unique. However, the National Sleep Foundation guidelines advise that healthy adults should sleep, on average, between seven and nine hours a night.

How to reset the sleep pattern with natural solutions.

Sleep disturbances can be caused mainly by lifestyle, environmental and health factors.

Understanding and treating the primary cause, should usually resolve the issue and improve the quality of sleep.


    I concluded from this experience, that I should never underestimate the power of food or drink to affect my health including sleep. To reset my system, I cut out all products containing caffeine and sugar for 2 weeks and then reintroduced them carefully avoiding caffeine in the afternoon or evenings. I love a glass of red wine in the evenings but I noticed even one glass affected the quality of my sleep making me wake up during the night so I reduced my week day alcohol intake too.


      I’m not a smoker but the data shows that nicotine is a brain stimulant so, while it is advisable to quit smoking altogether, it is important to avoid smoking just before bedtime.


        Daily exercise is fundamental for physical and psychological health; however, exercising just before bedtime will increase the body’s adrenaline production and raise body temperature, making it more difficult to switch off. So, exercise earlier in the day and try to avoid more intense exercise 2 hours before bedtime if possible.

        The influence of daylight on the body’s sleep hormone melatonin is well documented. Exercising in daylight helps to restore melatonin levels in the evening. However, a glance at a mobile phone or laptop screen at night will quickly reduce the levels of this sleep hormone. Even opening a fridge door at night can have a negative effect.

        Physical Health

          Problems such as headaches, migraines or chronic pain will stop you from getting a good night sleep. Speak to your GP or Pharmacist about the appropriate medication or natural remedy to treat the relevant symptoms in order to resolve the issue.

          Stress and mental health problems like anxiety and depression contribute to a high percentage of sleep difficulties. In this case, a combined approach of psychological support, lifestyle changes and use of medication/natural remedies, tailored to the severity of symptoms, is often very helpful and can restore emotional balance and promote restful sleep. Also, relaxation techniques such as meditation, yoga, mindfulness can help you to relax and unwind.

          Furthermore, sleep difficulties can be related to hormone imbalances; fluctuations in the levels of testosterone, thyroxin, cortisol, progesterone and melatonin (sleep hormone) can all disturb your sleep pattern.

          The production of melatonin naturally increases especially with evening darkness and it is a central part of the body’s sleep-wake cycle. The levels of melatonin are very important to induce and maintain sleep. Synthetic melatonin can be taken for the relief from short term sleep disturbances and can help adjust the body's internal clock. Consult your GP before starting melatonin therapy which is available on NHS prescription.


            The bedroom should be somewhere that we associate with sleep. It is better to remove distractions from your bedroom and watch TV, play computer games and eat in another room. This will allow you to relax and unwind.

            Also the ‘blue light’ generated by computers, phones and tablets displays suppresses the production of melatonin, hence causing sleep disruption. It is recommended not using these devices at least two hours before you go to sleep in order to reduce the impact on the quality of your night rest.

            Other common factors that can affect sleep are light, temperature and noise. You should be able to control the intensity of light and noise in the room by using blackout curtains/ eye mask and ear plugs respectively. The temperature of the room is also very important; feeling too cold or hot can disrupt your sleep so always make sure you work out the best sleep environment for you. Keeping a sleep diary can be useful to record the conditions that helped you get a good night sleep.

            How can Nature help?

            At the Naked Pharmacy we believe in a holistic approach to health.

            While addressing the root cause of sleep difficulties should be the first point of action, the use of natural remedies can support the process leading to a better quality and quantity of sleep.

            How will Saffrosun help me?

            Saffrosun is great for mood balance and helps regulate the 'stress hormone', Cortisol and stimulates the 'happy hormone', Serotonin.
            We have 3 Saffrosun Products, two adult versions Saffrosun Calm and Saffrosun Energy alongside Saffrosun for Children, formulated for 6-14 year olds.
            All three products contain clinically proven saffron, food-sourced Vitamin D3 and the organic prebiotic baobab. Saffrosun Energy has added organic marine algae with iodine to boost the metabolism. Saffrosun Calm on the other hand contains food-sourced vitamin B12 to settle the overactive nervous system.
            Saffrosun is effective for low mood, hormonal imbalances, nervousness and sleep disturbances and can be safely taken alongside conventional medication.  We support an integrated approach to health.
            If you have any questions then please call and chat to our Pharmacists who can help you make the decision that is right for you.


            At The Naked Pharmacy, we ensure that all of our supplements are made with effective strength bioactives and are scientifically supported by clinical trials. You can read more about our research here.


            Marine Magnesium

            Pure Marine Magnesium is a natural remedy which helps to support optimum nerve and muscle function, while promoting relaxation. It is sourced from sea algae and is one of the seven essential minerals we need for our bodies to function healthily. Magnesium helps relax muscles and induce sleep.

            You can read more about clinical trials on the effect of magnesium supplementation on primary insomnia here.


            It is recommended to consult your Pharmacist or GP before taking any new supplement to make sure it is suitable for you, do call us on 01483 685 630.

            Final thoughts

            After the birth of my son I realised why sleep is a vital component of overall health and well-being to help my body repair and re-set, ready for a new day. Taking a step by step approach to treat my sleep disturbance eventually resolved the issue. Eventually, I realised that my pre-bed routines and environment had a significant influence on the quality of my sleep. Small, incremental changes made a big difference.

            Natural remedies proved effective for me and still form part of my approach, whenever I am troubled with poor sleep. At The Naked Pharmacy, we are always very happy when we help solve customer sleep problems because we know how much this will improve overall health and happiness.

            Immune Hero & Immune Hero for Children

            Immune Hero & Immune Hero for Children

            There's a new hero in town..
            IMMUNE HERO

            Looking after your body’s natural defences has never been more important. With flu season right around the corner, now is the time to supercharge your immune system and protect you and your family against those dreaded seasonal bugs!

            Vitamin C and Zinc are essential minerals, which our bodies do not store or make and so we rely on adequate intake from our food and supplements.  

            Our bodies will absorb what it needs and will excrete the excess micronutrients. It is always a good idea to ensure you choose clean, natural supplements to ensure there is no build-up of the impurities found in synthetic supplements that are not excreted by our bodies as easily. 
            AMLA FRUIT

            A natural source of vitamin C

            Amla fruit extract (Emblica officinalis), also known as Indian gooseberry extract, is derived from the fruit of the Indian Amla tree. As well as being one of the richest sources of Vitamin C, Amla has been used in traditional medicine for centuries and it is known for its numerous health benefits due to the presence of powerful bioactive compounds. 
            Vitamin C enhances the production and function of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off infections and illnesses. A robust immune system can help your body ward off common colds, flu, and other infections.
            Immune Hero has been formulated with natural ingredients that are proven to help reduce the length of a cold!
            Vitamin C is a potent antioxidant that helps to reduce oxidative stress, which is associated with chronic diseases and the ageing process.

            Vitamin C plays a vital role in the synthesis of collagen, a protein that is essential for the health of your skin, hair, and nails.

            Immune Hero will help to promote healthy and radiant skin and reducing signs of ageing.

            Wound Healing
            Vitamin C supports the body's natural wound-healing processes by aiding in the formation of new blood vessels and collagen production.
            Iron Absorption
            Vitamin C will enhance your body’s ability to absorb iron targeting tiredness and fatigue.



            Natural sources of Zinc


            Zinc plays a pivotal role in maintaining a robust immune system. It helps regulate the production and activity of immune cells, ensuring they function optimally.

            Zinc is also crucial for the activity of over 300 enzymes that aid in metabolism, digestion, nerve function, and it is even responsible for our ability to taste and smell!


            When taken together, Vitamin C and Zinc can have a synergistic effect on your health. They work together to support the immune system, enhance wound healing, and promote overall health.

            Formulated with nutrient-rich Amla fruit extract, Holy Basil, Oyster and Shiitake mushrooms, Immune Hero is packed with Vitamin C, Zinc, and an abundance of bioactive compounds to help support your health.

            CHOOSE NAKED

            Like all of our supplements, this remedy is sourced from naturally strengthened botanicals with absolutely no artificial ingredients and free from chemicals, colours, additives and bulking agents!

            Metabolic Gold for insulin resistance

            Metabolic Gold for insulin resistance

            Insulin resistance causes fat storage

            How your body regulates blood sugar is one of the most important processes that affects general health and wellbeing. 
            When our diet is carbohydrate heavy (and to a lesser extent protein) it causes a rise in blood sugar levels and triggers a corresponding increase in insulin production.

            Insulin is known as “the fat storer” hormone and is strongly influenced by carbohydrate intake and overconsumption of food, causing a detrimental increase in your blood sugar.
            If you also lead a mainly sedentary lifestyle, your insulin levels will remain high. Long term high insulin levels will eventually cause your body to become insulin resistant….ie. your body loses its sensitivity to insulin.
            As we get older our metabolism naturally slows down which will change how we process foods and also how our body reacts to excercise, many of us experience weight gain, brain fog and resistance to excercise - a viscious and frustrating cycle. Therefore our body may need metabolic booster.

            When insulin resistance occurs, sugar can’t get into your cells the way it normally would and the result is that this sugar gets stored as fat.

            How can you reduce insulin resistance?

            • Diet (Mediterranean diet, intermittent fasting)
            • Increased physical activity such as HIT
            • Supplement regularly with Metabolic Gold

            How can Metabolic Gold help with insulin resistance?

            Metabolic Gold has taken over 2 years to formulate in line with current groundbreaking research.
            It can improve sugar metabolism and reduce insulin resistance as key polyphenols in the bergamot and artichoke extracts work synergistically to improve sugar processing in the liver and pancreas. 
            These bioactives are scientifically proven to improve sugar control, balance cholesterol and optimise liver function.

            Metabolic Gold is a unique, safe and effective natural supplement that contains the highest strength bergamot fruit extract and artichoke leaf extract to improve sugar metabolism, balance blood sugar and reduce insulin resistance.
            Metabolic Gold

            Metabolic Gold

            Sugar, Cholesterol, Weight & Liver Health


            Poor metabolic health affects one in four UK adults in the UK and is the leading cause of an increased risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes.

            The risk factors for poor metabolic health are:

            • high sugar levels
            • Insulin resistance
            • abnormal cholesterol levels
            • excess fat around the waistline
            • fatty liver
            • elevated blood pressure


            Most of the conditions associated with metabolic health don't have obvious signs or symptoms and require a blood test to determine (such as cholesterol levels). However, a large waist circumference is something  that you would visibly notice and if your sugar levels are high, you might notice the signs and symptoms of diabetes — such as increased thirst and urination, fatigue, and blurred vision.

            Preventing or reversing poor metabolic health 

            The risk factors listed above are all modifiable with adopting a healthy lifestyle which should include:

            • Eating a healthy, balanced diet consisting of fruits and vegetables, whole grains (brown rice), proteins (pulses such as lentil) and avoiding over processed and refined foods such as microwave meals and sugary treats is key.
            • Exercising regularly. Undertaking a minimum of 30 mins of physical activity a day 5 days a week. 
            • Cutting back on alcohol and smoking can be a really effective way to improve your metabolic health, boost your energy, lose weight and save money. 

            How can Metabolic Gold help?

            Metabolic Gold contains Bergamot fruit extract and Artichoke leaf extract. It is the perfect blend of naturally sourced, high strength ingredients that work together synergistically to help reduce sugar levels, improve insulin resistance, balance cholesterol, reduce fat around the waistline and improve fatty liver.

            In a recent trial of 60 patients who were overweight and had high cholesterol, subjects were treated with a combination of bergamot extract and artichoke leaf extract for 2 months and compared to a group that received a placebo for the same amount of time. The results showed a significant decrease in total and LDL cholesterol as well as a significant reduction in waist circumference. 

            When combined with lifestyle efforts focusing on diet, exercise, sleep and stress, the combination of bergamot fruit and artichoke leaf extracts can provide significant health benefits.

            We recommend this supplement is taken for at least 3-4 months at a dose of one capsule twice a day after food




            Metabolic Gold - Metabolism Booster

            Metabolic Gold for managing weight and sugar naturally

            Introducing our new formula containing pharmaceutical strength bergamot and artichoke extracts. Metabolic Gold has been over two years in research and developement.

            Bergamot may sound familiar as the peel of this unique citrus fruit is used for teas, perfumes and essential oils.

            However, we only utilise the fruit sourced from trees found in the coastal areas of Calabria, Southern Italy as it's unique combination of five polyphenol bioactives reduce the levels of unhealthy fats in a similar manner to statin medications, without the side effects.

            Bergamot fruit polyphenols have been scientifically proven to improve levels of good cholesterol, reduce inflammation and improve blood vessel elasticity.

            Bergamot fruit extract

            Each bottle contains over 250 bergamots which bind to unhealthy dietary fats and prevent them from accumulating in the body, particularly inside and around the liver (a condition called fatty liver which increases cardiovascular risks)

            Bergamot polyphenols improve the way fats are processed in the liver thereby balancing cholesterol and protecting cardiovascular health.

            Artichoke leaf extract

            Artichoke leaf is one of the world's oldest natural remedies to improve digestion and blood sugar balance.

            It boosts your liver’s production of bile. Bile is a natural compound that digests and uses fats so they don’t accumulate in your liver or in your body.
            At pharmaceutical strength, the bioactives in Artichoke inhibit alpha-glucosidase which in turn reduces sugar levels and insulin resistance.  

            How do you take Metabolic Gold? 

            Each capsule contains 500mg bergamot and 100mg artichoke leaf extract, in a tapioca capsule.
            Take ONE capsule twice a day, ideally with your largest daily meals.

            A randomized placebo-controlled study with 60 overweight adults showed that supplementing with 600mg bergamot and 100mg artichoke leaf resulted in a reduction in LDL cholesterol, significant reduction in waist circumference and visceral adipose tissue in 2 months – even in participants who did not follow a low-calorie diet.

            Concerned about side effects?

            Metabolic Gold has no harsh side effects and does not block co Q10 production.
            Statins can block coenzyme Q10 – a nutrient that’s needed for our cells to make energy.
            If you have taken statins, you may be familiar with their side effects such as fatigue and muscle weakness…..that’s because they can block healthy bile flow which is needed by your liver to digest fats and fat soluble vitamins A, D and E.

            The natural formulation of Metabolic Gold means that you can take it alongside most medications, however we recommend that you take a few minutes to call us, or write to us and get some friendly pharmacist advice if you have any questions about your current regime.
            Kevin Leivers
            "Metabolic Gold is effective because of the botanical sources, strength of the bioactives, scientific research and pharmaceutical quality of the formulation. The unique combination of the artichoke plus bergamot extracts will help so many people who have a sluggish metabolism, and fatty liver alongside problems of sugar and cholesterol balance."

            Kevin Leivers,
            Founder of The Naked Pharmacy
            Chief Pharmacist and Formulator
            Upgrade your muscle recovery with Natruflex Turmeric

            Upgrade your muscle recovery with Natruflex Turmeric

            Whether you are a novice or competitive athlete, when you undertake any exercise, you want to take preventative measures to reduce muscle damage.  

            During exercise the two leading causes of muscle damage are inflammation and oxidative stress.

            The natural bioactive polyphenols of the spice turmeric called curcuminoids have been shown to counteract both inflammation and oxidative stress caused by exercise.

            Exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD) leads to the onset of an inflammatory response that is associated with a decrease in the ability to generate muscle strength, decreased range of motion, localised swelling, delayed onset muscle soreness and increased muscle proteins in the blood (such as creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and myoglobin).

            Inflammatory responses are always linked to oxidative stress and both are directly involved in EIMD.

            The Science Bit

            A 2020 review showed that supplementing with turmeric extract at a dose between 150mg – 1500mg per day before and during exercise and up to 72 hrs post exercise improved performance by reducing exercise-induced muscle damage and reducing inflammation caused by physical activity. Read PubMed Article 

            Another review showed that participants who supplemented with a turmeric extract demonstrated reduced inflammation and oxidative stress, decreased pain and muscle damage, superior recovery and muscle performance and improved gastrointestinal function. The review concluded that curcumin supplementation appears to be safe and beneficial for sport and exercise in humans. Read Review

            Natruflex Turmeric 

            Our supplement Natruflex Turmeric contains 800mg turmeric extract (curcuminoids) per 2 capsules.

            It is combined with black pepper for better absorption and naturally sourced marine magnesium, which further supports nerve function.

            Taking curcumin is much gentler on the body than taking non steroidal anti-inflammatory medication, which can cause adverse effects such as heartburn and stomach ulcers.



            If you’re looking to further enhance your stamina and exercise performance:

            • Try adding 1-2 tablespoons of chia seeds to your daily diet. These tiny seeds are super packed with protein, omega 3 and omega 6 oils, calcium, iron, zinc and rich in antioxidants. When mixed with water and allowed to soak, these seeds release a form of gelled water that hydrates more slowly and effectively than just drinking liquid alone.

            The Aztecs so treasured chia that they used to gift it to their king in homage and Aztec runners used to chew on the seeds as they went into battle. 

            Chris McDougall’s book “Born to Run” describes how the Tarahumara Indians of Mexico’s Copper Canyons – known to be ultra-runners, running hundreds of miles without rest and enjoying every mile of it, fuelled themselves with a beverage containing chia seeds called ‘Iskiate’ and you can add a Natruflex Turmeric opened capsule an you have the perfect natural drink for recovery and fuel.

            Why taking a natural probation would be beneficial

            Why do I need a broad-spectrum probiotic?

            Digestion and good gut health are governed by the gut microbiome (a community consisting of bacteria, yeast and fungi).
            Keeping this community of bugs as abundant and diverse as possible is vitally important for optimal health.

            When gut health is good, you’ll feel balanced – when it’s off, you may experience a variety of symptoms and this imbalance can also affect your emotional health, your immune system and skin health.

            Signs you could benefit from taking a probiotic?

            • You’ve taken a course of antibiotics
            • You eat a lot of refined sugar
            • You’ve taken a course of antacid medfication
            • You experience bloating
            • You have a lot of gas
            • You suffer from loose stools/diarrhoea
            • You regularly get constipated
            • You have skin issues triggered by certain foods


             4 Facts about the Gut


            50% of our stools are actually bacteria that have been living in your gut – therefore these bacteria need replacing everyday.

            So how can we replace these wonderful hard working bugs?

            1. Plant-based fibre - helps our gut bugs thrive aim for ideally around 30g per day, ensuring vegetables and fruits of all the colours of the rainbow are included in a week.
            1. Fermented foods can boost the number of friendly bacteria in your gut, Kefir, sauerkraut, kimchi, miso, kombucha, pickles (in salty brine), tempeh, natto, unsweetened yoghurt
            1. Prebiotics : these are like fertiliser for our new and current gut flora and include:
            • Baobab fruit
            • Moringa leaf
            • Chicory root
            • Dandelion greens
            • Jerusalem artichoke
            • Garlic, Onions, Leeks
            • Asparagus
            • Bananas
            • Barley, Oats
            • Apples (with the skins)
            • Dark chocolate
            • Flaxseeds (also known as linseeds)
            • Potatoes/pasta that have been cooked the day before and left in the fridge overnight

            Why taking a probiotic could help?

            Taking a broad spectrum probiotic supplement can improve the number and diversity of the good gut bugs that help to keep your gut healthy. 

            Our GUT LOVE is a great multi-strain probiotic that can be taken daily, containing 19 different strains of live bacteria to help replenish your gut flora with a variety of strains.
            It also contains organic baobab, a naturally sourced prebiotic and slippery elm to make sure that it is easily absorbed by the gut lining.
            There are a number of probiotics and prebiotics on the market so how do you choose an effective one - abundance and diversity are key so choose a probiotic/prebiotic combination that meets this criteria.
            Gut Supplement checklist
            Other articles you may be interested in:
            Body shape is not an indicator of the strength of your blood vessels

            Body shape is not an indicator of the strength of your blood vessels

            Did you know that the blood vessels in your body are nearly 60,000 miles long which is twice around the world.

            Their job is to carry vital blood, oxygen and essential nutrients to every part of the body. Healthy vessels are strong, elastic, flexible and clear of any deposits.

            A healthy and strong blood circulation system is essential to have a good quality of life.
            Therefore body shape is not an indicator of the strength of your blood vessels.

            What causes a stroke?

            Arteries can become clogged with fatty substances from our diet and a sedentary lifestyle which can cause the arteries to narrow and stiffen, resulting in blocked blood flow, a condition known as atherosclerosis.
            This increases the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease, and this impeded blood flow will affect the health and efficeincy of every organ in the body.
            If it happens in the brain, the blockage can cause a stroke. Poor blood flow is also linked to issues such as vascular dementia, erectile dysfunction and decreased circulation in the hands and feet.

            So what can we do to keep our blood vessels unclogged, strong and healthy?

            1. Follow - The principles of a Mediterranean-style diet rich in a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables, ideally 6 portions a day and include a daily portion of a vegetable rich in nitric oxide, such as beetroot, broccoli, spinach, collard greens and kale. Nitric oxide is a substance that is essential for optimal arterial health and function. Eat regularly.
            1. Move - Aim for 30 minutes 5 times a week.  However, research is growing that 'snack size' consistent exercise is just as impactful on our bodies and our mind.  Dr Chatterjee is a huge advocate for adding an exercise snack with your daily routine so add squats as the kettle is boiling, or toe raises whilst brushing your teeth 5 minutes a day is better than nothing and consistency is key.  
            1. Stop - Smoking.
            1. Maintain - low LDL cholesterol by reducing your consumption of processed and deep-fried foods.
            1. Lose - weight carrying extra weight increases your chances of having too much LDL cholesterol in your blood, leading to fatty deposits building up in the arteries, restricting blood flow. Studies show that even losing 5% of your body weight can improve cholesterol levels.


              Our Metabolic Gold, is made from Bergamot (Citrus Bergamia) only grown in Calabria in Italy and can be used to support the health of your arteries by reducing cholesterol and supporting weight management.

              Studies show that bioactive compounds in Bergamot can reduce the “bad” fats, lowering LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and improving total cholesterol levels.

              In fact, Research on Bergamot has been shown to have 2 specific molecules that are very similar in structure, and function to statins.

              Metabolic Gold can generally be used in conjunction with prescribed cholesterol-lowering medication – speak to one of our pharmacists for more information about your health and any potential indications with current medication


              Metabolic Gold